Embracing Island Life

Title: Embracing Island Life: My Journey from a Cosmopolitan City to an Idyllic Island Village


Discovering the quaint village of Munroe Island in southern Kerala was a turning point in my life. Prior to meeting my husband Midhun, my connection with Kerala was limited to school vacations spent visiting my grandparents in the village of Manakapady, nestled in Ernakulam district. As time passed, my vacations grew shorter due to academic commitments and work obligations. Kerala had always been a holiday destination, and the idea of settling there never crossed my mind. However, fate had other plans, and as I embarked on the journey of marriage, I found myself embracing a new way of life on Munroe Island.

Transitioning from City Life to Island Serenity:

When the time came for me to find a life partner, like any traditional Indian parents, mine searched for a suitable match. My only condition was that I would marry someone in Bangalore and remain rooted there. Thankfully, my parents discovered Midhun, who worked in Bangalore, meeting my criteria perfectly. It wasn’t until after our marriage that I traveled to the southern part of Kerala, where Munroe Island awaited us. Despite my apprehensions, I took a leap of faith into the unknown.

The Work-Life Balance Challenge:

As I juggled my career and family life, I realized the toll it took on my well-being. Late nights at work meant my daughter eagerly awaited my arrival, and I felt the guilt of not being fully present during her formative years. Supported by my husband and parents, I made the difficult decision to leave my corporate job and pursue something of my own. However, I was unsure about my next steps and found myself at a crossroads.

Embarking on a New Adventure:

At the same time, our daughter was ready to begin her schooling journey. It was during this period that Midhun suggested the idea of starting a homestay in his hometown. This meant leaving behind the familiarity of Bangalore. Despite being unfamiliar with the hospitality industry, we shared our idea with Midhun’s brother, Vipin, and his wife, Divya, who offered their encouragement. With their support, we embarked on the path to realizing our dreams, building a cozy home and settling on Munroe Island. Our daughter joined a nearby government-aided school, marking a significant change in our lives. Initially unsure if I would adapt to this new environment, Midhun gave me a six-month buffer period. However, those six months turned into six years, and I have never looked back since.

Finding Serenity in Simplicity:

Today, I have fully embraced the simplicity and serenity of our idyllic village life. The tranquil surroundings, coupled with the tight-knit community, have nurtured a sense of peace within me. Living away from the chaos and fast-paced lifestyle of cosmopolitan cities has allowed me to appreciate the little joys and moments that matter the most. The decision to transition from hustle to serenity has been one of the most rewarding choices I have ever made.


My journey from a cosmopolitan city to an idyllic island village has been transformative. Munroe Island, once a distant place on the map, has become my haven, providing solace and contentment. Leaving behind the comforts and familiarity of city life was not easy, but the experiences and growth I have gained in return have been priceless. Embracing a simpler existence has allowed me to prioritize what truly matters, connecting with my family and finding peace in the beauty of nature. Munroe Island has become more than just a place I now call home—it has become a part of my soul.