Travelling by bus to Munroe

You can take the bus from any major city like Bangalore, Ernakulam, or Trivandrum Until Kollam city bus station or Kottarakkara bus station. From Kollam city bus station or Kokkarakara bus station, take another bus till as place called Kundara. Or sometimes it’s possible that the bus you are taking might take the Kundara route to reach Kollam or Kottarakara, in this situation get down at the Kundara (Mukkada) junction and take another bus from here to Munroe Island.

Tip: Please get in touch with your host if you are unsure about the route, they can help you if you would mention the mode of travel.

Pros: Inexpensive, prior booking is not required if it is a local bus

Cons: Not recommended if traveling with heavy luggage and small kids, also can be time-consuming.

App for checking the bus: Red bus, Kerala state transport app.